Dos and Don’ts of Direct Mail Marketing

person holding mail

In today’s hyperconnected world, where digital marketing and social media campaigns are inescapable, it is tempting to focus your marketing efforts on the digital space. But digital fatigue is real, and ongoing claims about the effectiveness of direct mail are more than an old cliché. In a resurgence of direct mail marketing, marketers are once again realizing impressive results that highlight the effectiveness of a printed mail piece.

It is well worth your time and money to implement a printed direct mail campaign. So where do you start?

Here, we give you the dos and don’ts of direct mail marketing.


Be strategic about your target audience

Allow your goals to dictate the demographics you want your messaging directed to and consider working with a mailing expert to determine your mailing list. The more work you put in upfront, the more accurate your data will be later for analytics.

Be creative with your campaign

Create something that people will want to engage with. Do this by combining physical and digital channels, designing a memorable call to action, or create a printed piece that knocks their socks off.

Analyze your results

Track your campaign to learn what works. Bonus points if you release multiple versions of a mail piece to incorporate A/B testing. The insights you will glean from A/B will be invaluable for future DM campaigns.
direct mail piece


Be Generic

Direct Mail is a great tool to really personalize each member of your target audience. Take advantage of this by creating different versions of your DM for different neighbourhoods, creating content based around new or returning customers, or even adding each recipient’s name to the printed piece. These additions will all work in your favour.

Forget to follow up

While we’d love to say that the responses will come rolling in after your campaign, the reality is that potential customers and clients often require more. For best results, follow up with a call, email, or even another mail piece to keep your offering top of mind.

Fail to Integrate Direct Mail with a Digital Campaign

We may have started this piece listing the virtues of direct mail over digital marketing, but the truth is the two compliment each other. Consider pairing your DM with a digital campaign to unlock new audiences and realize the benefits of cross-promotion.

Ready and armed with more knowledge for your next project? Reach out to us for a quote or to discuss ideas on how to turn your next marketing piece into a successful direct mail campaign.

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Have a project to quote? Get in touch with a Hemlock Connect mail and distribution specialist. We’re here to help!

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Have a project to quote? Get in touch with a Hemlock Connect mail and distribution specialist. We’re here to help!